Welcome to diaita-express.com Here in this website we will learn all about diets and their sagnificance. The definition of the word diet is heavily linked with our everyday life. A diet means nutrition, or else a lifestyle based on nutrition. In everyday language the word diet loses its meaning because people use it rarely. The word diet has passed on their minds as a medicine o a natural remedy. Many people take for grated the unhealthy lifestyle and nutrition diet that most of people in the big cities follow: A low nutrition value diet with almost no vitamines or micronutritions because the food delays to be consumed. Oour daily diet should contain fresh food with products that are immediately consumed.




Welcome to diaita-express.com

Here in diaita-express.com we will learn all about diets and their sagnificance.

The definition of the word diet is heavily linked with our everyday life.
A diet means nutrition, or else a lifestyle based on nutrition.

In everyday language the word diet loses its meaning because people use it rarely.
The word diet has passed on their minds as a medicine o a natural remedy.
Many people take for grated the unhealthy lifestyle and nutrition diet that most of people in the big cities follow:

A low nutrition value diet with almost no vitamines or micronutritions because the food delays to be consumed. Oour daily diet should contain fresh food with products that are immediately consumed.

A diet with high quantity of canned and pasteurized food

The second factor in insuring good health is exercise and generally keeping in motion. A body need energy and the diet should take care of maintaining that energy but exercise will produce the energy to hold our body clean and healthy .

So, diet means: Good nutrition (this does not necessarily mean expensive), clean environment, exercise, movement.

In most people the words diet and nutrition are missing in their everyday conversations.

When the health risk becomes more evident sometimes with the fatness and the potential diseases thats when the diet comes to their mind.

They give the word diet a false meaning, because when the word diet comes to their mind the first thing they think about is a full of constrains nutrition which subconsiously is not likeable.

The diets we offer should be considered like nutrition suggestions methods and combinations of those methods.


The diets should be considered as points of reference. Cooperating with a very good friend of yours, or in other words your DIETICIAN, will help you find a diet that suits your needs and your lifestyle.

We would like to say again that your Dietician is not a doctor but a good friend who will help you make your health better and impove your life longevity in the future.

You should talk to your dietician often to improve your everyday diet and nutrition or ask his/her advice if you are having any problems with your current diet.

All the above things had already been discovered 2500 years ago by Hippocrates. This man gave us a saying "It's better to prevent than to cure." Its very interesting to get inside those historic figures that changed the way we see diet or nutrition today.
Let's not keep the treasure that is knowledge dusted anymore. Let's take it in our hands and read everything about it and then admire it.

Before we start studying the material that is centered here let's define some terms better.

A diet can be the rules that are found in everyday nutrition style but generally diet is a way of life.

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